
GB, SM: Breaking Up

Good-bye, social media... (this was initially composed 1/15/2018)

It's really not difficult to say "good-bye" to social media. At least, not for me... anymore.

In this day and age, that day being in the late teens of the 21st century and that age being the age of instant global communication, I am noticing as much, if not more, negativity in society than I suspected or maybe even expected. I think the key term is "noticing"; because, if I look back at the popular desires of society in the last 25 or so years, I could make a case that the desire for self promotion and demotion of others has always existed.

Take two:

It's not you, it's me... well, it may actually be you, but I'm making this decision, so, don't take it as a rejection or a loss, you will find (and already have) other "fish in the sea"...

I'm going to take a break from consuming Social Media; at least from the SM that makes it so easy for anyone to blurt out how they feel at the moment (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). I'm still going to watch YouTube for inspiration and education; but, I hope to be more of a producer of online content than a consumer, via this blog. (This isn't to say that I'm going to start making videos, as I don't have anything visually interesting to post in a video and I pretty much refuse to make a video of just me talking about something.)

If you haven't read my disclaimer for this blog, tl;dr: Just my opinions and observations from my perspective; nothing authoritative, since I have no authority.

Since I have been a consumer of Social Media more than I, or anyone should, normally consume (2 to 3+ hours a day); I have noticed more negativity than I like to see. There must be some sort of psychological or sociological term for it; but, I would consider it to be termed something like the "opinion-line affect". If you aren't familiar with an opinion-line, it is usually an anonymous outlet for the general public to voice an opinion on any matter the person chooses. I think local newspapers started this type of "service" and with the evolution or improvements in technology, the opinion-line went from simple hand-written notes to quick phone calls, and now, people can easily give their generally heated opinions with the simple swiping, typing, and posting via smartphone (or mobile devices). 

Addition 7/3/2023 - I think I took a break from SM, and have recently been thinking about making a SM post about taking an indefinite break; I just want to be able to leave a line out there that could be used to glorify God and encourage others to seek Him. So, I'm still brainstorming what to post and how to make my SM usage only as an export: produce, not consume.

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