
Twitter Q&R: Condemning Lifestyles

A response to my “REPENT” twitter response to every “Pride” post from an organization/entity/public figure, not necessarily to "regular users"; but, so that they too would see the verses and maybe look up the verses.

(2 pet 3:9; Gen 6:5; Ro 2:4; Heb 9:27-28, 10:26-30; 2 Pet 2:4-22; Gen 9:9-17 LSB - The Lord is not slow about His promise, - Bible Gateway)

One "regular user" initially posted “Check out Matthew 6:1” which is about not “showing your righteousness to others”. I replied, sarcastically, “Nice of you to think I’m righteous; but, please check out the verses ref’ed in the post (I added a link to biblehub.com and quoted the first verse from the image 2 Pet 3:9)

Original Post: https://twitter.com/carmenICT/status/1667930127173402626?t=i8zY3jT3Q-dJ40AXJ4Krlg&s=19

User’s Response: “Wasn’t calling you righteous. Why do so many people (like you) who quote the bible use it to justify their hatred toward queer people? You also didn’t respond to the verses I shared in your other tweet like this. 1 Tim 2:12, Lev 21:16-21, and Deut 21:18-21. (I'll respond to these verses in a later post)

Me: (Initially) Sorry, I honestly didn’t see any of your other replies, see my screenshot of the notifications. I’d like to see your replies

User's Response: "It was 9 days ago on 6/2 on a KSN article about pride events"

Me: Can you share what, about those, verses I posted were “hatred toward ‘queer’ people”? Did you look them up? Then I mentioned about posting them verbatim; however, I figured it was better if the user looked them up instead of taking my word for it.

User's additional reply: I have other thoughts on this but I will spare them so I don’t get told “go to church and find out yourself” (and shared a screenshot of a composed post that is more than likely “copy and pasted” article containing the following)

You are using those verses to say that someone whose identity does not align with yours are sinful and are apparently “condemning” others into that “lifestyle”. That they need to find their “true identity”. All the queers are offering is acceptance to others. Another verse that is commonly used to spread hate is 1 Cor 6:9-10 as well as Prov 16:18-19, particularly against the LGBT community and pride month. In Heb 10:30, it is clear that it is up to God to judge his people, so why do you feel that it is your duty to command repentance? When I meant Mt 6:1, it says not to practice your righteousness in front of others… And you are here. Sharing verses. Demanding them to turn away from who they are and to follow Jesus. I have another question. Should we follow God or Jesus? I understand that he is the son of God, but why do some say to follow God/the Lord and others say to follow Jesus? What about those who are queer, like myself, but still hold belief? Is that still deliberately sinning? If a gay person has faith in Jesus, do you think they can still go to heaven? I thought it was to have faith in Jesus was all it took.

Most verses mentioned, starting with the 7 initial verses in the original post: 2 pet 3:9; Gen 6:5; Ro 2:4; Heb 9:27-28, 10:26-30; 2 Pet 2:4-22; Gen 9:9-17; Ro 1:18-32; Genesis 1:26-30, 2:18-25; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Prov 16:18-19; Exodus 20:1-17; Romans 10:5-21; Mt 7:15-23; Mt 28:18-21; Jn 14:1-15; Jn 3:5-6, 17-21, 12:44-50; James 2:14-26; Mt 6:24; Jn 3:36; Ephesians 5:1-21; Colossians 3:1-17 LSB - The Lord is not slow about His promise, - Bible Gateway

I tried to break down each question/comment so I could address each one individually and will tag each comment or question with a “C:” or a “Q:” and my response with "A:"

C: You are using those verses to say that someone whose identity does not align with yours are sinful and are apparently “condemning” others into that “lifestyle”.

A: The first verse (2 Pet 3:9) shows how God is patient and that we shouldn’t abuse His patience and that we should take advantage of the time and opportunity to repent from our sin and turn to Jesus for forgiveness and live to glorify Him alone.

The second verse (Gen 6:5) is part of the chapters (6-9) where we see the global flood, and this verse shows the reason for the flood.

R 2:4 is from a section that explains “God’s Righteous Judgment”; specifically, this verse reiterates 2 Pet 3:9 and mentions that God’s patience is kindness that should lead everyone to repentance.

Heb 9:27-28 mentions that all will die and then be judged and when Jesus comes back (returns) in judgment, it is not to judge those who are truly His (those eagerly waiting for Him)

Heb 10:26-30 is a “warning against willful sin”. Basically, if we know the truth (what God has said in His word) but keep living in sin (continually and willfully sinning, striving after the things God has told us not to especially after the fact that Jesus has been revealed as who He is [God incarnate]), we are refusing the self-sacrifice Christ has made on our behalf, refusing God’s grace and mercy, and deserving the wrath He has promised for those that willfully deny Him.

2 Pet 2:4-22 describes how God not only righteously judges; it describes those that deserve judgment, especially those that have “known” the truth about Jesus.

Gen 9:9-19 describes where the rainbow came from and what it truly stands for: God’s promise to not judge the world by flood. And a reminder that God is faithful in what He has said, done, and will do: bring a permanent righteous judgment and rescue those that are His.

As a matter of fact, I don’t think the condemning lifestyle you mentioned is even once referenced in these verses. These verses were used to show that God is patient toward all sinners; but, His patience does run out and we shouldn’t abuse His grace and mercy.

Perhaps I should have referenced Ro 1:32 which talks about not only are sinners at fault for their own sin; but, they are encouraging others to do the same, which is what the federal, state, and local governments and institutions, as well as “media outlets” and “celebrities” are doing with the “pride month”: tolerating/accepting, encouraging, and celebrating actions against God.

If I really wanted to be specific about the “lifestyle”, I would have at least posted Ro 1:18-32

C: That they need to find their “true identity”.

A: Genesis 1 (26-30) as well as 2:18-25 shows God’s initial intent for the “design” of all humans: made in His image (has emotion, ability to reason, and autonomous will up to a certain ability), and that we were created for His specific purpose: enjoy the life and work He gave us and to obey Him so that we would not die. However, because the initial humans (Adam and Eve) disobeyed God, their sin caused all things to decay and become corrupt, including their own nature and “innocent” desires. Because of the corruption to our nature and intended design, we all have a desire for self and we naturally turn away from God and the truth - this is a “sin nature”. We don’t want to accept the truth that we are all destined to be judged (more like sentenced) for our rebellion; in all honesty, none of us are truly innocent due to our now sinful nature. However, there is an option, we either continue in our rebellious nature until our final sentencing (the judgment after death), or we recognize God’s willingness to step into our reality, live perfectly innocent, die truly innocent to pay for our sins, raise Himself on the third day, and ascended into heaven and is coming back in judgment, and we put our identity in Him alone, making our selfish nature (the old nature) die and living in and to the glory of Christ. This should be our true identity: in Jesus Christ.

I don’t think anyone’s true identity or primary definition of who they truly are should be based on sexual orientation or desire, not even “origin”.

C: All the queers are offering is acceptance to others.

A: Please define “queers” and be careful to insinuate an entire group. I don’t want to impose a definition; however, I will answer based on my understanding of the term or what seems to be the “social opinion” and perhaps is being implied by your post. If you mean “queer people” are all LGBTQIA+ and vice versa; then, what we see in the media and imposed celebratory recognition such as days, months, symbols, and “education” does not tolerate or accept the truth of the Bible, that God truly exists, nor does it accept the possibility (and seemingly more probability) that the general public does not want to “celebrate” or be reminded of such “lifestyles”; let alone the fact that many do not want their attention and finances to go toward such lifestyles, and even more important, that they do not want their children exposed to to such lifestyles. If “Christian demonstrators” and “evangelists” are at a “pride event” and either quietly holding a sign such as the initial image posted, or they are respectfully speaking against the lifestyles, do all members of the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle accept the Christians’ presence and what they are doing?

C: Another verse that is commonly used to spread hate is 1 Cor 6:9-10 as well as Prov 16:18-19, particularly against the LGBT community and pride month.

A: The Proverb is mentioned because “pride” is mentioned. We are designed and given life to glorify God and not ourselves or ourselves on the account of an identity with something or someone. Pride is classically defined as (paraphrasing) having admiration for oneself, whether in an accomplishment or in an identity. We can see many instances in the Bible where pride, which is a gateway and root of vanity and self-praise. We either praise and worship God, or we praise and worship ourselves. This is a form of idolatry and spoken against in the first commandment (Exodus 20). To put oneself at equal or above God seems to be the utmost rebellion against a perfect creator, God and is an outright slap to His face. Should we do this to the One who has created, is holding all things together, and is coming back in judgment?

1 Corinthians is a “letter” to the believers at Corinth and an applicable reminder to all believers that we are not to be any one of the unrighteous listed in that verse otherwise we would not inherit God’s kingdom. Verse 11 (not referenced by you) reminds all believers that they have once been at least one of these unrighteous; but, are to no longer have that “identity” because they are now identified in Christ.

Warnings about the truth should not be considered “hate”. However, if someone is “justifying” their “hatred” toward others by using scripture; that is blasphemy and against the 3rd commandment. I called the organizations and entities to repent and to no longer encourage others to sin.

Unfortunately, “pride month” has such a marketing and political campaign to what seems to be a requirement to celebrate something that not all agree with, there is definitely going to be outspoken pushback. I don’t agree with violent protest nor vulgar demonstration. However, one should not claim “hate” or “anger” when such words aren’t clearly being used or implied. I do wonder what the majority of the “LGBT” community think about all the “Pride demonstrations” and governmental encouragement and attention being drawn to the “community”. As if this month and all the marketing/media clearly defines and represents what the “community” truly believes and stands for. Of course, just because a majority’ opinion is one way, doesn’t mean the opinion is inclusive of all of that group, right? Christians can have this same issue; however, we (Christians) have the infallible Word of God to rely on and use as a standard and authority, we can’t simply make the Bible say something it clearly does not. Another “side question”, what do you think of the “viral” footage of the “White House Pride demonstrations”?

Q: In Heb 10:30, it is clear that it is up to God to judge his people, so why do you feel that it is your duty to command repentance?

A: Yes, God will judge His people and He doesn’t want anyone to perish (be sentenced to eternal death) [2 Pet 3:9]. However, how will anyone know about impending judgment if we do not warn others? Romans 10:5-21 discusses this.

To judge, in the sense of condemnation, is to sign and seal a final sentence. I don’t know anyone’s heart, but my own; therefore, I cannot tell who is and will be saved versus who will not. Nor do I want to say anyone is definitely condemned; however, we are called to warn others about the final judgment and that none of us know when our life will be over and then it will be too late to repent and seek after God. Jesus uses the analogy of recognizing a tree by its fruit (Mt 7:15-23); therefore, if I simply recognize someone who is going to be judged by God according to His standard and simply say, “yep, their doomed” and keep to myself, I am not displaying any love for that “doomed” person and essentially wishing them to an eternal death. It’s analogous to letting a cyclist continue down a road that leads to a drop-off cliff.

Also, the fact that Jesus gave His followers a “commission” (a commanded mission): Mt 28:18-21, it really is every Christian’s duty to command repentance according to God’s word.

C: When I meant Mt 6:1, it says not to practice your righteousness in front of others… And you are here. Sharing verses. Demanding them to turn away from who they are and to follow Jesus.

A: As already discussed in previous verses, we are to no longer be what we once were: unrighteous and rebellious; and to follow Jesus because He is the only way, truth, and life. (John 14:1-15)

Q: I have another question. Should we follow God or Jesus? I understand that he is the son of God, but why do some say to follow God/the Lord and others say to follow Jesus? 

A: This is a great doctrinal question backed up by scripture. I won’t try to post much scripture about this, considering we are really on a primary topic of a “condemning lifestyle”. However, we can look into it more, if you’re really curious. We have to understand what God has said about who He is. The Gospel according to John (the apostle) is probably one of the easiest Gospels to read and really shows how Jesus is God (the Son). The “trinity” is implied throughout the Bible. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It’s an impossible reality to grasp, but we can grasp the concept, not using an analogy; but, basic logic.

The God of the Bible is absolutely perfect and unique in His nature. Humans have a certain nature but are limited to their design. Animals have a certain nature and are limited in their design. Animals can never have the same nature or “being” capacity (intellectual, emotional) that humans can. Humans can never have the exact same capacity and nature that God has (intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual); but, humans do have some of the same emotional and intelligent capabilities, we are simply limited by our nature/design to not be able to be equal to God’s nature. God is unique and singular in His nature; but exists as the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is not the Son nor the Holy Spirit, the Son is not the Holy Spirit nor the Father, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father nor the Son; however, all three are God (not plurality of gods). Again, we as humans don’t have the capacity to grasp this truth, because this is a completely unique attribute to God; as it should be, otherwise God couldn’t be ultimately powerful (omnipotent).

Jesus repeatedly affirmed that He is God, especially in the Gospel of John; therefore, following God is following Jesus and vice versa. 

Q: What about those who are queer, like myself, but still hold belief? Is that still deliberately sinning? If a gay person has faith in Jesus, do you think they can still go to heaven? I thought it was to have faith in Jesus was all it took.

A: Jesus also said that we must be “born again” (Jn 3:5-6) and a warning about not correctly believing: Jn 3:17-21; Jn 12:44-50. We can’t believe in just any God or just any Jesus, we have to have our faith in the one True Jesus, and we know who the “real” Jesus is according to the Bible. In James 2:14-26, we see that claiming to believe is nothing. He mentions that even “demons believe - and they tremble” (which is their response). True belief will result in a response, and faith in the true Jesus will result in repentance, change in lifestyle that is willing to honor Christ at any cost, and a perseverance in faith. Since you mentioned Mt 6, check out verse 24. Granted, it is specifically mentioning “wealth”; however, it can be applied to anything that you love/desire more than God. More importantly, for anyone who is living in any lifestyle contrary to what God has commanded, they are still serving themselves (the flesh), hence the “cannot serve two masters”; thus, they are still liable to condemnation and unfortunately: Jn 3:36.

True faith is a rebirth, true faith makes a claim that the person that once was (the enemy of God, the rebel, the willful sinner, the slave to sin/self) is no longer alive; and the believer that now is, is reborn and truly spiritually alive, living for Christ, a slave to Christ, sharing the good news with others that they don’t have to suffer the due wrath of God because He has offered mercy and saving grace through His sacrifice. We no longer seek after our own desires; but, we seek after God’s will/desire: for God to be glorified and for others to be saved. Look at Ephesians 5:1-21 and Colossians 3:1-17. If we are truly “in Christ” we will be recognized by others according to what God has said in His word (the Bible). We have been initially designed by God and when we deviate from His design, we are showing that we are not His. When we are not truly His, we are heading to a sentence of eternal condemnation, and I don’t want to see that for anyone. Therefore, I urge and encourage you (and everyone else) to turn from any and every condemning lifestyle, seeking from Jesus forgiveness and salvation for the sake of your eternal soul so that you can experience true peace and joy this side of eternity, knowing that when you die you will have eternal peace and joy in the glory of our God: Jesus.

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