
Op: UFOs, Aliens, Telepathy, and Conspiracy

Initially composed 2/23/23-3/2/23 with a small addition at the end

Gen 1, 2, 3; Col 1:16; dan 10; 1 Sam 16:14-23, 1 Sam 18:10-11, 1 Sam 19:9-10; Luke 22:3; John 13:27; Rev 13; 17; Lv 19:26; Dt 18:10,14; Acts 16:16-18; Matthew 4:1-11 LSB

In reference to the following podcast episodes as well as the idea of “extraterrestrials from outer space or other dimension(s)” and on telepathy. 

Shawn Ryan Show (SRS) #48: Dr. Steven Greer

Sci-Fi Christian (SFC) #1085: “Kooky Cupid”

In the SRS with Dr. Steven Greer, the discussion is about U.S. and world government awareness, coverup, and weaponization of information on UFOs, “aliens”, and “alien technology”. There is also a discussion on how these life forms communicate with each other as well as allegedly with us (humans). The guest refers to a documentary titled “Close encounters of the 5th Kind” which elaborates more on the communication piece. The basic idea is that these “beings” communicate with a form of telepathy; but, in more of a sense of simultaneous time and space. Maybe not quite an “omnipresence”; but, an ability to be or project onto a specific space in time and time in space (my words/conjecture).

In the documentary, you see depictions of people potentially attempting to communicate with these beings in an Eastern meditative posture; think of the stereo typical “lotus” sitting position and thumb to whatever finger hand positions, etc.

In the SFC episode, there is a discussion on the probability of telepathic abilities (and experiences) in all humans, and even living creatures, pointing out various experiments and their resulting data. There is a hypothesis that “telepathy exists” and one should “open their mind up to it” and to “believe in the possible”; however, still not exempting the “supernatural” such as the existence and influence of the Holy Spirit and demons. Ending with an encouragement to try the “stare at someone to see if they can ‘feel’ the stare and potentially respond/react” experiment. (My huge criticism for one of the hosts is his experimenting with this when he’s supposed to be focusing on the “eucharist” at the time - let alone almighty God - but I digress).

After listening to the SRS episode and watching probably half of the documentary, I started thinking about this desire by Dr. Greer and people of the like: that there are “others out there” and a wish to communicate and potentially a hope to be “saved” by them (the “saved by them” part is my conjecture, I don’t think anyone came out and said this; but, it sure seems to be a high probability that this is one of the desires). While this is an interesting thought: there are other worldly beings we can interact with that are more intelligent and “advanced” than our current state; this is a very dangerous thing to not only spend much time and energy on (investigating and investing in), but also very dangerous to believe and continue to seek, if the Bible is really true and God is who He has said He is.

Recap of the Bible:

God, existing in three persons, but one unique being: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all co-equal, co-eternal, coexistent, and co-powerful (is that even a term?).

God created all things in existence, through the Son, for the Son, things seen and unseen. (Gen 1-3, Col 1:16)

Satan and a third of the angels rebelled and were cast out of heaven (God’s presence).

Man (human kind) was created in God’s image, as the final creation and a final “very good” work of creation.

Satan desired to destroy God’s “very good creation”, being a non-threatening deceiver to Eve and Adam; and he continues to lie, seek to destroy God’s people, and attempt to lead the whole world astray; even appearing as an angel of light.

God desired to reconcile His fallen creation to Himself that could only be accomplished through the cross.

Jesus died (on the cross), was buried, raised again, ascended into heaven, and will come back again to make all things new.

Now, if we know, understand, and believe (trust) these things that the Bible has clearly said, then we have to take into account the true reality of our natural and the “invisible” world. Our natural world (things we can physically experience and either discover or explain) contains truly great dangers to our eternal existence (our soul) such as our selfish “fleshly” desires and narcissistic passions (temptations that lead to sin). The “invisible” (spiritual) world also contains dangers to our souls; however, I surmise most of them to be influential dangers that lead to “natural world dangers” (acts/works of the flesh), think also of Screwtape Letters examples of influencing or giving the human an idea or thought to distract from God. Even the Bible is clear on specific “supernatural influence” on the natural world (Daniel 10 “Prince of Persia and of Greece”; 1 Sam 16, 18, 19; Judas Iscariot, Revelation 13 and 17, etc).

Perhaps, the idea of “extraterrestrial beings” and the ability to communicate with them can draw the focus off of God, let alone prompt another “explanation” to the “natural world” about “other-worldly” experiences. Much like the old argument of “the Greeks blamed unexplained events on ‘gods’”; relating the Biblical belief as another “explain away the unknown, based on superstition and mythology”. If we have read and studied New Testament, we can recall that satan is a liar and deceiver, trying to lead the whole world astray. What better way than to convince the world that God doesn’t exist and neither do demons, that it’s just trans-dimensional beings/existence that can be accepted into the “natural world” of explanation? Not only an explanation, but a notion that any potential other-worldly beings are “friendly aliens here to help, wanting peace” (angel of light?).

Let’s switch over to the “worldly” or the “physical”. Let’s say that all the “alien evidence” has all been truly spoofed (by the world elite); but, the public are so convinced, they cannot shake the lie. What better way for a world government to weaponize and enslave people, as well as the government, or power group to be used to convince the majority population that there is no God and how “we need to treat these beings as a threat”. Then, a tribulation against Christians can be even more popularly executed because “they refuse to believe in this real threat and refuse to comply for the needs and good of the rest of the world” and “their religious worldview is a threat to our world security”. (It’s not hard to relate this to any recent “threats”, and it’s not hard to inadvertently make this discussion go off the rails into “conspiracy” theory, old and current/new; but, that’s not what I’m trying to do here.) Again, the selfish desires of the potential “in-power elite”, influenced by the notion to impress upon others of the “ET” existence to gain more power which is an easy influence of the invisible spiritual world, especially on those that want to destroy God’s elect. Personally, we (Christians) should welcome this scenario, #OneDayCloser.

Ok, back to the “paranormal/supernatural”. Considering that there is a spiritual-world influence, especially in the negative for those that do not have the Holy Spirit; why wouldn’t or shouldn’t the Christian believe that any potential “telepathic” abilities are only the result of demonic influence? One could speculate that the activity of prayer is a type of meditation leading to a “tapping into” telepathy. Not only are we literally communicating to our God, but we may be so focused on Him and/or those we are praying for, we may be putting some sort of influence on or towards someone we are praying for. Similar to how the SFC episode talked about the “staring experiment”, and the popular “sending good thoughts and vibes”; maybe hyper-focused prayer can cause a “supernatural” connection between individuals, causing a “feeling” in the one being focused on. I do not say this as a hypothesis, nor am I looking to use this to excuse a “test” of this nature. If we (Christians) are to adhere to Biblical proofs and view the world through a Biblical lens; then we cannot find any evidence nor encouragement to attempt such things. If anything, we see discouragement to attempt to be part of such activities. In today’s (3/2/23) episode of Apologia Radio Live, they talked a little about Dr. Greer (which personally got me excited because I was already thinking about this on 2/28) and the occultic practices of remote viewing and out of body communication, etc. They referred to God’s warning or commandment against “spirituality” in regard to divination, soothsaying, attempting to contact spirits, sorcery, mediums, etc (Lv 19:26; Dt 18:10,14).

In abrupt closing: from a biblical worldview, we must understand and remember what God has commanded, how we are to abide in His word, and be aware of the signs of the end times which are meant by the enemy's tactics of persecution as a means of destroying God’s elect, but inadvertently all in God’s plan. This being said, when we pay attention and identify things and ideas that attempt to either distract us from God’s will or to slowly lead people away from focusing on God’s glory, we will be able to use discernment in how to navigate and respond to such ideas.

Side note: as I’m thinking about this, I can’t think of any Biblical evidence for evil spirits manifesting themselves to the human, except for in possession (allowed by God for the purpose of God getting glory by the evil spirits being cast out and to give validity to Jesus and his disciples) and then in the garden of Eden or to Jesus in the wilderness; although, we even see when Paul casts out a demon from a girl that was used to tell fortunes as a business for the “owners” in Acts 16:16-18.

Addition: I recently found a fun and interesting podcast called "The Haunted Cosmos" which at this time, I can easily recommend.

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